
Project Redemption: Mike Vick (May of 2010)

michael vick jersey eagles, The formula for Mike Vick is pretty simple and goes as follows. You are now, and for the foreseeable future, the 2nd team QB for the Philadelphia Eagles and you have 1-year left of your current contract. You show up to every mini-camp, before actual training camp, in tremendous physical-shape. You prepare for each and every camp like you are the starter. Study the playbook like you did when you were a rookie. You must not let the Kolb out work you in any phase. You have to always keep your nose clean throughout this process. So I advise you to stay in your house as much as possible. You report to every media person that comes your way on how happy you are and how you completely support the newly named starter. When training camp comes, you go out there and show how much more physically gifted you are than Kolb. Your 1st preseason game should be a spectacle for all to see. It should give us a look back to the past where you were the most exciting man in the sport. That should michael vick jersey eagles make the local sports-radio shows talk about your preseason play at length and on a day to day basis. Most importantly, you need to mentally prepare yourself to accept the fact that Andy Reid is gonna start Kevin Kolb. With michael vick jersey eagles the lone exception of injury, you\'ll probably spend the 2010 season holding the clipboard and most of the opportunities you get, will come from the \" Wildcat \". Every time you you get on the field in 2010 is an opportunity to showcase your immense talents. Just work as hard in the regular season as you did in the preseason and you\'ll be the most coveted free agent QB in 2011 off-season. If you follow that path I\'ve set for you, you will be a starting QB in the NFL again and well on your way to what you truly covet.

When you\'re a starter again, don\'t ever forget that your worst day you\'ll have on the outside would still be the best day you had in prison. Don\'t let your new found fame obstruct your path to ultimate redemption. Just remember how quickly it can all go away. I believe if you get to that point that you will be humbled by your Biblical sized lesson you\'ve learned. By that time, you\'ll be disciplined and old enough to properly appreciate your struggle to get there. Even if you followed my path and the riches I have promised never come to fruition. I hope you\'ll obtain solace in the fact that people like me will still tell their kids about the story of Mike Vick and how he was the most electric athlete we\'ve ever seen. How now he was the most talented wildcat QB the NFL has ever seen. I\'ll be chronicling your every move on and off the field throughout this process. I\'ll be listening to every interview and to every michael vick jersey eagles press conference pertaining to you. How you handle yourself throughout this process is just as important than any on the field success or lack there of. I can tell my son that Mike Vick helped more than he hurt and the global good he did outweighed his infamous past. Say what you want, dog-fighting in the U.S. will never be looked upon the same way because of Mike Vick. Even without super stardom, Vick, can still obtain his redemption.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6022986

